Schreiber Foods - PAFE

Triple video wall set up, lots of lights, and audio for the president's awards event for Schreiber Foods. I set it all up and then got the flu and couldn't be there for the actual show. 


See this Instagram photo by @jakepagel * 9 likes

See this Instagram photo by @jakepagel * 9 likes

See this Instagram photo by @jakepagel * 6 likes

See this Instagram photo by @jakepagel * 6 likes

EAA Airventure 2016

Had a couple of video walls and a full camera system; front of house camera, two pit cameras, and a camera on a jib.  

Main stage:


See this Instagram photo by @jakepagel * 9 likes

Here's my control trailer:

See this Instagram photo by @jakepagel * 9 likes

Main entrance video wall running ads:

See this Instagram photo by @jakepagel * 5 likes

See this Instagram photo by @jakepagel * 6 likes

Coldwell Banker Dinner

First real video wall show. This is a nine panel by five panel configuration.   


See this Instagram photo by @jakepagel * 7 likes

See this Instagram photo by @jakepagel * 3 likes

See this Instagram video by @jakepagel * 5 likes

ISU Dance Marathon

Ran lots of video for the Iowa Statue University's 2016 Dance Marathon. Two cameras, a VFX computer, a Twitter feed/power point computer, and a QLab computer.